Once upon a time, the universe was born and stars exploded generating trillions of heavy metal atoms that somehow ended up on a planet named Earth. These metals then, along with complex carbon molecules, ended up composing a biological being - human - the most advanced creature to ever walk on the planet. That, after thousands of years of harrowing struggle, ended up sitting in a weird, sloped position behind a computer screen writing long days inanimate abstract hieroglyphs named programming code. That produced this delirious website filled with mundane knowledge.

Had I been born a couple hundred years prior, instead you could be facing a rambling maniac in a tavern shouting over other drunken noise about how to seed your fields with less manure. So you win some, lose some.
Anyway uhh. About my blog then. Well. I guess it's the age-old tradition of programmers to one day cultivate their own virtual plot of land. As a mere snot-nosed child, I recall the quirky buzzing of the modem as it pulled haggardly, 56 kilobytes per second, the strands of World Wide Web. Oh those wondrous days of yonder! The weird pages with blinking texts and marquees, full of crazy and bizarre things that filled your mind with wonder and perplexion.
Sure, 90s web wasn't known for its aestheticness nor intuitiveness but there was something real and honest about it. Nowadays, the most important thing of a home page is to boost your job prospects and give your name stupid SEO visibility. But I beseech you, what's the point? Does it really enhance your life to be the second page result in tutorials how to setup a React app with TypeScript?

Moving on
Okay, okay — I'll get off the soabox. A lapse of insanity. Tends to happen when creating a blog. A fun fact, this is the third iteration of this site. Third. "What, why?" — you ask. And I whisper in your ear: "Because I can".
You can read it all about it here Hello World but the gist of it is, sometimes it's just fun to build things. And that over-abstraction sucks as well as cumbersome tools such as Google Analytics or AWS Edge Lambdas. And I like Svelte. So much that this site is in written Svelte - you can take a peek here GitHub.
Ahem.. 🤔
What I was going to write here in the first place?
I do programming; mostly TS/NodeJS with Svelte, Tailwind, React and so on. But I also dabble in Rust not because I am systems programmer but because I just needed to learn it. And I've come to like parts of it. Just not ready to do life-times yet (if ever). And been learning Godot as well.
Oh and rich-text editing has been a major focus of mine for some time. First with Draft.js, then Slate and lastly with ProseMirror. One particular interest of mine has been to combine Svelte with ProseMirror views svelte-prosemirror. Works but not enough time to commit to it.
And then there's collaboration systems, mainly Yjs, due to the needs of rich-text editing. And AWS, Cloudflare, Terraform and so on. And oh yeah, I've completed a master's degree in data science, here's my thesis. The biggest thing I learnt from those years was that I like programming more than data science 😅.
Outside of this boring tech stuff I like expanding my vistas with art mostly. Music and books — I picked up audiobooks during Covid. Once you learn how to get into them (and have good books) I highly recommend them for gym or running sessions. Board games are also close to my heart.